Friday, July 8, 2016

Reflective Journal 8


This week’s reading focused on the assessment of students –what we do and why we do it. There are many different ways to assess students, as is revealed by the text. Assessment is an essential part of educating effectively. We can use assessment to change what we teach, how we teach it, and even reteach with different approaches.

Learning or behavioral objectives are the outcomes that we set for students. These outcomes should be measurable and achievable by students. Slavin defines a learning objective as, “a statement of skills or concepts that students should master after a given period of instruction,” (Slavin, p. 398). A quality learning objective has three parts which are: condition, performance, and criterion. Condition is what medium will be used to assess, whether it be through an exam, writing, or the practice of a skill. Performance is what the students will be able to do. Criterion is a statement of a standard for success. Objectives should always be clear and project a meaningful goal.

            Evaluation is used to measure student success. When we evaluate a student, we compare their knowledge and skill to the learning objective and analyze to see if the objective has been achieved. Evaluations, or assessments, have a variety of purposes. They serve as a source of feedback, information, and incentive. Assessments can give feedback to both teachers and students. Teachers can use this feedback to evaluate the effectiveness of their instruction, while students can use assessment to judge their skill level and what they need to work on. Evaluation is a resource of information for parents. Parents can look at the assessments their students have completed and judge whether or not their child needs extra help or if they have gotten off track. Assessments can also be used for information to guide decisions of selection and certification. If an assessment is used for this purpose, it could be to judge whether or not a student is ready for the next grade or if they should be recommended for the gifted program. Lastly, assessment can be used for incentive. Students are motivated by doing well on assessments and can earn rewards for high marks. Once students get to higher grades, these rewards might change from stickers and candy to college entrance.

Student learning is evaluated through different types of assessments. Assessments can be sorted into many different categories, however the most regularly used are formative and summative assessments. Summative assessments evaluate how much students have learned overall. These assessments usually evaluate students on a large amount of material, such as a unit. These assessments usually have a grade attached to them that carry a high weight. Formative assessments are a teacher’s best friend. They can be used during lessons, after lessons, or can simply be a checklist. Formative assessments gauge whether or not students are developing understanding, have misconceptions, and if they need more time or are ready to move on. It is essential to use formative assessments frequently in order to effectively guide instruction and use students’ time wisely.

When constructing assessments, teachers must take into account many different variables. The teacher always has to keep in mind the objective when constructing an assessment and they must be sure to focus on the material that has been taught. Assessments should also be designed to improve learning, according to Gronlund and Brookhart (Slavin, p.415). There are many different ways to construct assessments, however, one should always take into account the material being assessed and the students being assessed. When evaluating, it is critical that students’ abilities are taken into consideration and that the assessment is developmentally appropriate.

            In my own classroom, I constantly use formative assessments. This comes in the form of checklists and questioning in which I evaluate whether or not students are understanding and reaching the learning objective. It would be highly inappropriate to give my students summative assessments all the time because they are developing so many skills and basic knowledge. My goal is to keep their learning on track in the day-to-day and to make sure that any misconceptions they develop are cleared.
            In this week’s discussion, we talked about the importance of formative assessments. All of my colleagues were in agreeance that formative assessments are essential to quality instruction. James pointed out in his discussion post that, “Formative assessments are valuable for students as it allows them to track their own progress toward goals and allow them the opportunity to distinguish which areas they need to focus on more.”  I found this statement to be very insightful and true. When students are given formative assessments regularly, they can hold themselves accountable for their own learning because they can see where they need improvement.

Significance of the concept concerning the context my classroom…
Assessment is extremely important in my classroom. Without it, I would not know which students could count or say the alphabet before getting to my classroom. I also would not be able to sort my students into ability groups to get them the attention and the challenge that they need without assessment. It is extremely important for me to constantly assess and reassess my students to make sure that they are progressing and learning as they should. If they are not, I know that I need to either change my instruction style or give them extra help.
My learning confirmed my knowledge about teaching…
Learning more about assessment and evaluation confirmed that regular assessment is essential for effective teaching. It also confirmed that formative assessments are the most effective for correcting teaching mistakes and evaluating how much students are learning.         

How I feel about the concept…
I feel that more focus should be placed on formative assessments and summative assessments. These evaluations are what happen in the day-to-day classroom and are accurate measures of student learning. Criterion referenced testing is often too high stakes and only takes a single snapshot of what students are capable of in the assessment.

Additional questions sparked by this content and how I will address them…
As I am just starting out, I would like to know more about the most effective formative assessments for my students. Right now I mostly do questioning and checklists, but I would love to know of more and better ways to assess my young students. Sometimes my thoughts get disorganized and my questioning assessments are ineffective. I would like to speak with more vetted pre-k teachers to see how they track learning and growth.


Slavin, R. E. (2012). Educational psychology: Theory and practice (10th ed.). Boston, MA

Thursday, June 30, 2016

Reflective Journal 7


            Classroom management is essential for any and all effective teachers. The reading this week talked about what effective classroom management looks like and how to properly combat, manage, and prevent misbehavior.
            According to the text, “the most effective approach to classroom management is effective instruction,” (Slavin, p. 316). The theory behind this is that if students are constantly busy with activities and are engaged at all times, the opportunity for misbehavior or getting off track is avoided. There are still those students that will misbehave even when class time has been planned for effective instruction, but teachers must be prepared for these students with strategies for discipline and intervention.
            Time is one of the most important factors to consider when planning for instruction. Teachers must be sure to not waste time and utilize every minute that they have with their students in order to teach and give instruction and learning opportunities. According to Slavin, “if you find excuses not to teach, students might learn that learning is not a serious enterprise,” (p. 319). Teachers must seek to minimize interruptions, prevent lost time, and maintain a rapid pace of instruction. Another aspect of good classroom management is having consistent and well understood routines and procedures. When students know what the expectations are, they are better able to perform well.
            Expectations have to be set at the beginning of the year and teachers must be consistent in their delving out of consequences. Slavin recommends setting rules as a class at the beginning of the year and really discussing expectations. If students help to create rules, then they are more likely to understand them and hold themselves accountable for following them. Slavin also recommends starting the year out right by using a few different proven techniques (p. 327). Here we learn that effective teachers and classroom managers teach students specific procedures, have students get right to work on the first day of school, and immediately put a stop to misbehavior. Slavin recommends not interrupting class to put a stop to misbehavior, but using subtler methods and maintaining composure. According to the principle of least intervention, one should always begin by preventing misbehavior with engaging activities. If a students’ misbehavior persists, one should move onto nonverbal cues, followed by praising other students’ correct behavior, then verbal cues, then giving repeated reminders, and finally providing consequences. Misbehavior should be dealt with calmly and rationally with minimal disruption in the flow of the class. If serious misbehavior persists, the teacher should invoke applied behavior analysis. In this behavior analysis, the teacher tracks the behavior of the student. This tracking should not be sneaky, it should be known to the student in order to help the student to become more self-aware of their behavior and to help them to become more self-accountable.   

            Classroom management always just sounds like common sense, however it takes a lot of will power to be consistent in the classroom and to create a procedure for everything. Good classroom management is so critical to learning, however, that it must be done and it must be executed effectively. This means going over rules and procedures time and time again, and it also means consistently applying consequences. At the beginning of the year, students should know the expectations that the teacher has for them and the teacher should hold the students to those standards. It is easy to let things slide, especially in the beginning, but it is important that the students know that rules are to be respected and the classroom is a place of learning, not disruption.
            This week’s discussion focused on struggles that we have had or witnessed with poor or poorly-executed classroom management. I have had minimal experience, but I do know that I want my classroom to be a place of mutual respects and understood standards. I have taught with teachers that constantly yell at children (five year olds!!!) for misbehaving. It is my personal belief that one should never yell at a child and if the student had known what to do in the first place, then there would not be an issue for them to be yelled at about. In my grade level, it is so important to have patience and understanding. These students are just figuring out how to be with other kids and how to follow rules. It is an environment that is not easy for them, as all they really want to do is play. I have to constantly remind myself that I am their first experience with school and I want my influence to be positive so that they will love and enjoy coming to school. Those students that are yelled at are only learning to dislike school and treat others unfairly. My colleague, Pam, wrote about her experience witnessing a teacher put down the same student every day. She told about how when she got to know this student, his home life was terrible and he was responsible for so much more than a 14-year-old should be responsible for. When he got to school, his teacher treated him harshly and did not give him any sort of encouragement or care. This reminded me of how important it is not to just teach standards, but to get to know students because in the end, they are so much more important than test scores. A student who is experiencing pain may exhibit foul behavior in the classroom, but the teacher has no right to name call or hurt that student. The teacher should try to figure out what the problem is and help the child.


Significance of the concept concerning this concept my classroom…
            Effective classroom management is critical within my classroom. When I get my students, I am their first experience with school. They have no prior knowledge of lines, waiting their turn, or how to tie their shoes. Having a procedure is completely essential for absolutely everything I do, and clearly communicating expectations and rules is something that has to be done on a daily basis in order for my classroom to run smoothly and for my students to learn.
Handling a situation differently based on this learned information…
            Based on this week’s reading, I will definitely try to follow the principle of least intervention. It is so easy to get off track when dealing with a behavior issue, but having a set way of handling it would be very beneficial.
My learning confirmed my knowledge about teaching…
            This week’s reading confirmed that having procedures is essential and that the life of a teacher is made much easier by clearly communicating expectations and having consistency in the classroom. Dealing with behavior problems can be tricky, but if you know how to handle a situation and you have a set way of handling it, then life becomes much easier.

How I feel about the concept…
            I feel that many teachers leave the teaching profession because they do not have a clear understanding of the importance of classroom management. It is one thing to put rules up on a wall and it is a completely different thing to communicate procedures, consequences, and expectations to students. Teachers have to teach rules and expectations at the beginning of the year just as seriously as they teach content or else their classrooms will be in complete disarray and their lives will be chaotic and they could very well wind up hating their jobs.


Slavin, R. E. (2012). Educational psychology: Theory and practice (10th ed.). Boston, MA

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Reflective Journal 6


            Educational psychologist John Carroll published an article in 1993 titled “A Model of School Learning.” In this article, he describes the elements necessary for effective teaching. He proposed that effective teaching was a combination of time spent learning and the time needed to learn. Slavin analyzed Carroll’s work and transformed it into a workable model in which the quality of instruction, appropriate levels of instruction, incentives, and time balance to provide effective instruction. This model, referred to as QAIT, focuses on elements within a teacher’s control.

            Grouping students is done in order to ensure that each student receives the instruction that he or she needs. There are many different types of grouping that can be done in schools and classrooms, and in this chapter Slavin (2012) discusses different types of grouping strategies and their levels of effectiveness. Students are usually placed into groups based on their abilities. Between-class ability grouping places all students of similar ability level into the same class. While in theory this sort of grouping is effective, in practice it is quite the opposite. Often in between-class grouping, students in low ability level classrooms receive low expectations and are exposed to few positive role models. Within-class ability grouping is much more effective because students are placed into mixed-ability classrooms. Mixed-ability classrooms expose students to all sorts of achievement levels. Students are placed into smaller ability groups that have homogenous skill level, but the students are not placed in a situation in which they may have decreased self-esteem because they have not been cast out. Students can see one another fail and succeed and the teacher can determine goals for each student.

            Differentiating instruction is critical in the classroom. According to Slavin (2015, p. 259) differentiating instruction is how we can tailor instruction to each student’s needs. It adapts the content, level, pace and products of instruction so that each student can succeed. Students who are special needs or at-risk benefit from this type of instruction a lot because often they need more help, more explanation, or more encouragement.  At-risk students also benefit highly from individualized education programs in which they have set goals that they work to achieve. Slavin (2012) states, “children who are at risk can succeed if we are willing to give them high-quality instruction and intensive services early in their school careers,” (p. 266).

            Technology in the classroom can also increase effectiveness. There are many different ways in which to incorporate technology and support learning through technology. It is not only helpful for teachers to include technology in their lessons, but the students also benefit because their world is so infiltrated by technology already. Students must understand how to use technology and teachers need to use technology that is available in order to help make their jobs easier, more effective, more interactive, and more fun for everyone.

            This week’s readings reinforced my knowledge about effective teaching. It is so important to have a balance for the use of time in the classroom and the QAIT model is an excellent resource that I could use in the future for planning lessons. I enjoyed reading about grouping and learning what works and what doesn’t work. In my own experience, I have used both mixed-ability and within-class ability grouping. Both seem to be very effective and are dependent upon what skills I am working on in the classroom.

            This week’s discussion was excellent and I enjoyed reading the ways in which different teachers develop good rapports with their at-risk students. For me, personally, I think it is important to be those students’ cheerleaders and to encourage them because sometimes they don’t receive encouragement from anywhere else. My sentiments were reflected in Kasey’s post. Kasey wrote about how she not only gives one-on-one feedback to each of her students, but she makes it a point to go to her students’ after school activities and support them outside of the classroom. I thought that this was a great idea and I would love to do this for my students. Many of these students need someone to just believe in them and I hope to be that positive influence in my students’ lives.

How is this concept significant concerning the context of your classroom?
            This is important to the context of my classroom because I want to be an effective teacher. I have to remember effective grouping strategies and always be considerate of the at-risk learners in my classroom. I teach at a Title I school, and so it is very likely that my classroom will be filled with at-risk students.
Postive aspects
            This week’s reading and discussion had many positive aspects, but my biggest take aways came from reading my colleagues’ discussion posts. I think that it is so important to learn from other teachers and this week I have done just that. They have given me several ideas of how to come along side at-risk learners and help them to succeed.
Meaning for me
            This week’s reading had a lot of meaning for me. I am very passionate about making sure that each student succeeds and that no student falls through the cracks. Making my teaching more effective by using strategies like QAIT, and grouping students within the classroom can help me to be a better teacher.
Beliefs about teaching
            I believe that every student should have the opportunity to succeed and that is what this chapter was all about. Using new technology resources and incorporating individualized education programs can help students to get the help that they need. I want to always be aware of what each student needs and what they are struggling with, and knowing strategies for teaching effectively can help me to do just that.


Slavin, R. E. (2012). Educational psychology: Theory and practice (10th ed.). Boston, MA:

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Reflective Journal 5


This week’s reading focused on constructivist learning theory. This theory suggests that “learners must individually discover and transform complex information if they are to make it their own,” (Slavin, p. 218). Constructivist learning strategies are known as student-centered instruction because responsibility for learning is placed in the hands of the students and the teacher serves as a facilitator who relinquishes control of most classroom activities. The chapter also focuses on cooperative learning methods and their importance for student development.

Constructivist thought is based on principles developed and researched by Lev Vygotsky and Jean Piaget. These theorists believed that learning is a social activity and should be done in groups that promote conceptual change. Four key ideas from Vygotsky influence what is modern constructivism. These ideas include: social learning, the zone of proximal development, cognitive apprenticeship, and mediated learning. Slavin goes on to introduce instructional approaches that support these pillars of constructivist thought. Top-down processing, cooperative learning, discovery learning, self-regulated learning, and scaffolding are all approaches to teach that keep the learner at the center of instruction. All focus on critical thinking and the teacher simply serves as a guide.

Slavin also introduces appropriate constructivist approaches for the content areas. In reading, Slavin suggests a reciprocal teaching method. It can be thought of as scaffolding for the development of critical thinking about a text. The teacher starts out by modeling questions that they think of that can deepen their understanding of the text they are reading, and gradually the responsibility for coming up with guiding questions is placed into the hands of the students. In writing, Slavin suggests using specific strategies. One example could be using the Lucy Calkins model of writing in which students plan, draft, revise, edit, and publish their writing. In this process, the students are checking their own work and are learning what works and doesn’t work by finding mistakes in their work and the work of others. In the area of mathematics, Slavin suggest many different ways to incorporate student-centered learning, these include: Supporting Ten-Structured Thinking, Conceptually Based Instruction, Problem Centered Mathematics Projects, and Cognitively Guided Instruction. In science, teacher should offer opportunities for discovery and hands-on learning.

Cooperative learning places students into groups in order to learn from one another. Most of the time, these groups are made up of students with different ability levels. This way of grouping challenges students’ communication skills and ways of thinking. Skills that must be taught along with what is learned in cooperative groups is how to question, listen actively, give thorough explanations, and not put each other down (p. 230). In these groups, students must work together and have independent accountability for their own learning. The teacher serves as a guide and helps students to learn, but ultimately the goal is for students to learn from one another.


Constructivist learning theories are highly beneficial for students, however in the age of standardized testing that we ae currently in, it is difficult to use the approaches associated with the theory. I believe that students learn best through exploration, asking critical questions, and thinking ‘outside the box,’ and that is what constructivist theory is all about. The teacher in the classroom should not drone on and on and expect students to learn. For students to truly understand material, they must interact with it, question it, and hear the thoughts of others. Often times teachers give information from one side and students are not challenged in their thinking but are expected to agree with the teacher. I think that this chapter makes it plainly visible that students do not truly grow to understand material in this manner. The best way for students to learn is from being challenged within their own zone of proximal development.

The discussion board this week was filled with many different responses. Most teachers had concerns about their students not staying on task during cooperative learning activities or worried about some students not doing their own work and taking credit for the work of their peers. My colleague Pam talked about how she has been incorporating more problem-based learning in her classroom and suggested that each student be held accountable through the use of peer-review rubrics and team incentives. I think that both of these ideas are great for helping students to self-regulate and maintain motivation.

Significance of the concept concerning the context of my classroom…

            My classroom is where learning all begins. In pre-k, students are stepping into a learning environment for the first time and are being introduced to new concepts by the hour. In my classroom, I can use constructivist learning theory in loads of different ways. I hope to incorporate more opportunity for discovery learning and questioning in my classroom because I believe that this will drive students to become life-long learners. Having their first experience in a classroom be one of critical thinking will set the foundation for quality learning later in their school careers.
Handling a situation differently based on this learned information…

            After reading this chapter, I was reminded of the importance of scaffolding in the classroom. It is essential to use scaffolding in every area of my classroom- from learning how to play with others to learning letter sounds. I hope to be able to assess each student and offer them the proper amount of support while also allowing each student to become more and more responsible for their own learning.

My learning confirmed my knowledge about teaching…
            This week’s reading confirmed my understanding of the importance of student-centered learning. I cannot force every student to learn everything that I present, but if I provide students with opportunities and tools for thinking on their own, I am giving them a better shot at developing their own abilities to learn and understand. Student-centered learning places the focus where it should be- on the learner.

How I feel about the concept…
            I feel that it is critical to incorporate constructivist learning principles in the classroom. Without these principles, students can become dependent upon teachers to give them the right answers. Students must learn to think for themselves, to ask questions, and to communicate with their peers. It is not only the job of a teacher to help students understand information, but it also our jobs to prepare students for success by giving them the tools they will need in the real-world. Those skills do not include being expectant upon someone to always give the answer, but they do include learning to think for oneself. This process should begin at an early age. Children should be challenged to answer those critical questions and think critically as well!


Slavin, R. E. (2012). Educational psychology: Theory and practice (10th ed.). Boston, M

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Reflective Journal 4


This week’s readings focused on the creation of effective lessons. Within the chapter, Slavin (2012) details direct instruction as well as whole and small group discussion. Direct instruction is a teaching style in which the teacher presents information to students. The teacher is the main focus of the lesson and controls all conversation. Direct instruction is best used when teaching standards and factual information that students must learn.It is the easiest way that teachers can get information to students. Slavin (2012) presents several components of direct instruction that are most effective. The first is stating the lesson objectives. It is important for students to know what they are expected to know before they are presented information. Second, teachers must review prior knowledge. If the teacher discovers that there are misconceptions contained within students’ prior knowledge, this is his/her chance to help them correct their thinking. In order to learn new information, students have to be in tune to what they already know about something. The students are then able to build their schema on the subject instead of getting confused or lost by trying to develop an entirely new schema. After reviewing prior knowledge, the teacher can introduce new material. It is critical that the teacher has a clear and well-organized plan for presenting this new material, and that they are prepared to correct any misconceptions and answer any questions. In order to help students learn, teachers should conduct learning probes as they teach new information. Learning probes can take many different forms, including questioning, quizzes, and even acting out. All of these forms of probes help teachers to know where students are struggling to understand, and they also help students to process information.
            After presenting the information, teachers should then give students independent practice. This practice can be done in many different ways, but no matter what form the practice is in the teacher should always provide feedback on it. After looking at students’ work and providing necessary feedback, the teacher should again address misconceptions. After misconceptions are addressed, students should be given more opportunity to practice. This practice can also take different forms and may include homework.
            Once students have grasped the objective and are able to demonstrate their understanding of a concept, it is time to move on. According to Slavin (2012) we often spend too much time on one concept. It is important that when students are ready to move on that they indeed move on. Spending too much time on one thing can make the students bored and disinterested.
            Direct instruction is the most in depth planning that teachers do. In direct instruction, teachers present information to the class in a way that is organized, makes sense, and keeps the students’ attention. Another approach to teaching and lesson planning is through discussion. Discussion is a way to shift focus off of the teacher and basic information and place that focus on questioning, critical thinking, and student interaction. During whole group discussion, the teacher acts as a moderator and leads students through discussions about material. During small group discussion, focus is completely on the students and their interactions. The teacher may provide questions, but it is the job of the students to answer, respond, and learn from one another’s ideas.


            This chapter shows the importance of thinking through lessons and considering what is most effective for the students. The chapter showcases different approaches to teaching and what the teacher’s role is in each of them. During our discussion this week, I enjoyed reading my group’s responses. Whitney stated, “our preparation directly leads to a student’s success or failure.” I think that she is exactly right. Our level of preparedness always affects how much the students learn. It is critical that we always take our audience into account when planning and that we keep in mind how best they learn. If I had an older class, I might rely on whole group discussion and small group discussion to help students to develop deep understandings of concepts. As I teach Pre-K, it is most effective for me to use direct instruction and be sure to plan out most moments. I do, however, enjoy asking my students critical questions. I always have to be prepared for what answers they may give, what misconceptions they might have, how to best clear up those misconceptions, and what questions they may ask.

Significance of the concept concerning the context my classroom…
            In my own classroom, it is critical that I know exactly what I am going to do as soon as I walk in the door. I have to be prepared to answer questions and explain any and all misconceptions that my students may have in a given day. Having a layout for how direct instruction lessons should be taught will help to keep my thoughts organized and my teaching to flow better.
Handling a situation differently based on this learned information…
            This chapter helped me to remember that the activation of background knowledge is key. Sometimes I talk about things that my students do not know or understand. I then wind up backtracking and giving them background knowledge after I have already taught new information. After reading this chapter, I will be sure to tell students what is expected and inquire about their background knowledge before proceeding with new information.
My learning confirmed my knowledge about teaching…
            Reading this chapter confirmed that planning is essential. Even if the plan for the day is to have students in small group discussions or in discovery centers, it is important the the teacher has a plan and knows what they are talking about. Teachers must anticipate questions that students may have. They must also be prepared to smoothly navigate students through their misconceptions about concepts without explicitly telling them that they are wrong.
How I feel about the concept…
            I feel that students in higher grades most benefit from whole group and small group discussion. In lower grades, it is important that a teacher is there to guide thinking. The teacher must be there to constantly ask questions and help students to come to conclusions about their learning or exploration. In higher grades, students have developed the ability to think abstractly and see the view-points of others. Therefore, students in higher grades would most benfit from discussions and students in lower grades benefit more from direct instruction.


Slavin, R. E. (2012). Educational psychology: Theory and practice (10th ed.). Boston, M

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Reflective Journal 3

This week’s reading focused on information processing and cognitive theories of learning. These theories help us as teachers to understand the way that students think and learn. Information processing models help us to understand what happens in the brain when students are learning, and help us to better understand memory.
Everything that we learn first comes through the sensory register. The sensory register takes in all that is around us and holds on to the information for only a few seconds. If we decide that what is coming is important then it is added to our working memory. In order to make something important, attention has to be placed on it. Once something is registered as important and it is paid attention to, it is moved to working memory. The working memory has a limited capacity and is also known as short-term memory. In the working memory, information is held onto for a few seconds before it is either discarded or added to long term memory. The working memory needs repetition in order to move information to long term memory. Therefore, it is wise to not teach too much at once, but to teach a little, then ask questions and allow students “think time” in order to process information and add it to their long term data stores. Something important to remember about working memory, however, is that all people have different experiences and background knowledge. New information is placed into long term memory in what are schema. Schema could be thought of like categories, the way in which our minds separate and make sense of information. A well-developed schema is full of understanding and the more understanding a person has about something, the better they will receive new information and be able to hold onto it. A poorly developed schema does not offer much background knowledge, and so new information is more difficult to attain.
The long term memory is a fascinating web of the ways in which we see and remember the world. Different facets of the long term memory include episodic, semantic, and procedural memory. Episodic memory helps us to remember by reminding us of where and when something happened or what we heard or saw in a moment. Episodic memory is vivid, but is difficult for our minds to retrieve as much of what goes on around us is filtered out by the sensory register. Semantic memory is the closest to the way in which we learn in school. Semantic memory connects concepts and terms and places them into schema that are then easier to tap into because of associations. Procedural memory is the memory that we rely on when driving a car or riding a bicycle. It is what keeps our bodies from forgetting how to perform.
Our brains are made of complex neural networks and information is stored in many different parts of the brain. Some parts of the brain are harder to retrieve information from than others. We come into contact with so much information every day, it is no wonder that we sometimes forget where things are stored or how to get to a memory! Our brains are like super computers, so why do we forget things? We forget things for a number of reasons. We may not remember recently learned information because of interference from too much new information with no opportunity to rehearse the important new learning. Memories may also get pushed to the side because we categorize them as unimportant in order to make room for something that is important to us. Another way that we forget is through retroactive inhibition. During retroactive inhibition, we learn new information, but it may be confused with information we have already learned and so the new learning is inhibited by previous learning.
In order to best teach students, it is important to remember that the brain is complex. We must keep in mind that all students do not have the same experiences and so they do not have the same schemas in their minds. It is the task of the teacher, then to assess prior learning and to give background information when necessary. It is also the job of the teacher to help students to develop metacognition by offering them different ways of practicing with information until each student know how they best learn. There are many different techniques that teachers can use to enhance brain function and it is critical that different ways are facilitated often.

This chapter shows teachers that what goes on in the mind is more than just input and output. The brain is comprised of neurological pathways that contain and transmit information every second of every day. As students are developing, so is their style of learning. Each student is different and no two brains are constructed in the exact same manner.
My classmate Whitney wrote about how she often learns by using a paired-associative strategy. This means that she learns best when her mind uses more than one avenue for processing. This could be auditory and visual or aural and kinesthetic. Many students, I believe, have minds that work in a similar manner. It is to the teacher’s advantage and to the student’s benefit when teachers demonstrate learning and facilitate information in more than one way.

Significance of the concept concerning the context my classroom…
            I have always thought that the inner workings of the mind were interesting, but until reading this chapter, I did not fully understand how the brain worked. Although, after reading this chapter it is also evident that the precise ways in which the brain works are still not completely known. This concept of information processing is critical to my classroom. In my classroom, there are 22 four and five year olds. Each one of them is developing foundational skills and it is important that they develop a foundation of knowledge on which to learn and grow for the rest of their lives. The concept of background knowledge stands out to me the most. Because my students come into the classroom knowing virtually nothing but what goes on at home, I have to fill them up with background knowledge and help them to develop schema about numbers, places, people, letters, books, etc… Knowing that they learn in different ways will also help me to remember to not always teach information in the same way just because it is convenient for me.     
Handling a situation differently based on this learned information…
            Having an understanding of the way information is placed into long-term memory helped me to see that I need to give my students more wait time before asking them an answer or calling on a student to give an answer. It also pointed showed me that I may need to go back and summarize what has been learned more often. In order to help students process information into their memories, I need to have them repeat information in several different ways. This could mean saying it to a friend, playing a game with it, or acting it out. Pre-k students respond well to all of these sorts of information reinforcers.  
My learning confirmed my knowledge about teaching…
            This week, my learning confirmed that all students are different. I had not really thought about the brain’s connection to background knowledge and how more background knowledge enabled deeper learning, but it makes sense. If you have something to tie new information to and especially if you have an experience to tie information to, it makes it easier to learn, hold onto, and makes it more meaningful. I know that this is true for me as well. I spent four years of college learning Spanish. No one in my family spoke Spanish and the only people I knew who were Spanish speakers were only acquaintances. This made the language difficult for me to learn. In my senior year of college, however, I went to Spain and was immersed in the culture of Spain and I was able to use the language in a meaningful way. If students have no experience with a concept and it is completely foreign to them, then it is my job to give them something meaningful to connect their new learning to.
How I feel about the concept…
            I feel that it is important that teachers understand the complexities of the minds of the children that they are teaching and what needs to happen in order for them to truly learn something. All learning cannot be done in the same way, and this research proves that. Each child is different, and those teachers who are unwilling to try something new but are constantly frustrated with the results that they get from their students should try a different technique. The reading from this week gives many examples of the way in which we can engage students, their memories, and their thinking to benefit their long term memory. I feel that it is critical for teachers to try different techniques so that every child has the opportunity to learn in the way that they best connect with.


Slavin, R. E. (2012). Educational psychology: Theory and practice (10th ed.). Boston, M

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Reflective Journal 2

Learning is something that people inherently do. Whether it is crying to be fed or making connecting the concepts of multiplication and division, we are always learning. Learning and development are indisputably linked. The learning of behaviors, thought, and social cues is learning that develops over time.

Behavioral learning theories are “explanations of learning that emphasize observable changes in behavior,” (p. 116). Two notable theorists studied behavioral learning by observing different types of conditioning. Ivan Pavlov studied classical conditioning. This type of conditioning is “the process of repeatedly associating a previously neutral stimulus with an unconditioned stimulus in order to evoke a conditioned response,” (p. 117). Pavlov’s experiments with dogs demonstrated that learning could affect that which is involuntary. B.F. Skinner, on the other hand, studied operant conditioning. Operant conditioning uses pleasant or unpleasant consequences in order to influence behavior. Skinner’s work shows that behavior can be influenced based on what sort of consequences are given.

Principles of behavioral learning include: consequences, reinforcers, punishers, shaping, extinction, schedules of reinforcement, and antecedents. All of these principles influence behavior in some form. Reinforcers are used to strengthen a behavior while punishers are used to weaken a behavior. There are many different types of reinforcers including primary and secondary, positive and negative, and intrinsic and extrinsic. Positive and negative reinforcers are those that are most observable. A positive reinforce might be telling a student that they have done good work or giving them a reward, but a negative reinforcer is taking away something unpleasurable, such as homework, as a reward in its place. Punishers are also observable in a classroom. The text points out, though, that both punishers and reinforcers should be consequences that are given immediately. Immediate feedback “makes clear the connection between behavior and consequences, and also increases the value of the feedback,” (p.126). The text also argues that reinforcement should be given on a schedule and it should be carefully planned and thought through. Offering reinforcement at all times decreases work ethic and the effectiveness of reinforcement.

Social learning theory, developed by Albert Bandura, utilizes the research of behavioral learning theorists, but focuses on the importance of observational learning and self-regulated learning. Bandura theorizes that learning is most efficiently shaped by learning from a model. He refers to this as observational learning.  One effective use of modeling for classroom management is vicarious learning. We can use vicarious learning by praising appropriate responses and behaviors. Bandura also suggests that people learn by observing not only others, but themselves as well. This is referred to as self-regulated learning. Self-regulated learning has been further studied by psychologist Donald Meichenbaum who developed a model for self-instruction. Self-regulated leaning is a way to encourage students to really think about their thought (p.135). Self-reinforcement is a way to combine behavioral learning theory with social learning theory in order to develop reflective students who are able to change their own behaviors.

Behavioral learning theories are excellent to be aware of in the classroom. The fact that they are based on observable behaviors makes them easily accessible for classroom management strategies. I take note of these observable behaviors everyday, and it is an asset to know research behind the best times to reinforce and the necessary times to punish. Often in my classroom, I give verbal praise. According to the text, I do this much too often. I tend to give praise whenever my students attempt to do something, but I do not always give them feedback and encourage them to fix things. By not using a schedule of reinforcement, I may be making my reinforcement less effective. A schedule of reinforcement is a set of parameters for when and why positive reinforcement should be given. Having rules for when and why I give reinforcers is something that would benefit my students. Not always giving them reinforcement and knowing what I give reinforcement for would help them to build up generalizations about what is good work and good behavior, (p.131).

The discussions for this week helped me to see many different viewpoints. I liked hearing from the teachers of different grade levels and how they normally deal with behavior problems. Many teachers wrote about how their students might see going to the office as a positive or negative reinforcement or wrong behavior. Sending a child to the office could be a negative reinforcement if their wrong behavior gets them out of the classroom where they do not want to be. If we look at it this way, then the child is not learning anything but that their teacher can be manipulated. One of my classmates, Pam Hargrove, mentioned that if she sent a child to the office then she was showing her students that she was incapable of handling their behavior, and that she was just opening the door to more bad behavior. Her solution to this problem was to start out the beginning of the year making the students self-reflect about their behavior. I thought that her argument was excellent and I could see why she saw going to the office not as a punishment, but as a reinforcer. Other teachers, however, gave some examples of when going to the office could be a positive reinforcement for good behavior. One example I saw was “the principal’s lunch club.” This reward would be for excellent behavior and it would give students a little time out of class as reinforcement. Reading all of the responses left me with the conclusion that sending a student to the office is not always the punishment that we need it to be. It always depends on the student’s frame of mind and it is our job to figure out the best way to give consequences for each student.

Significance of the concept concerning the context my classroom…
Social and behavioral learning theories are essential for any classroom. In order to have solid classroom management, we must understand observable behaviors. Behavioral learning theories teach us to consider what consequences must be given, and if those consequences should be reinforcement of behavior or a punishment for a behavior. In my own classroom, the text has taught me to put more value on positive reinforcement. Often times in my own class, I hand out praise for anything and everything. My students, of course, are at a young age where they need positive reinforcement often, but I also need to keep in mind that the students have to build up some confidence in themselves. I need to let them judge their own work sometimes and tell me if it needs more work or if it is finished. I want my students to be able to do work without being reliant upon my praises.
Positive aspects for this concept…
I see many positive aspects for what I have learned about this week. Knowing more about students and the ways they think is always positive. An especially meaningful part that I learned about is that of self-regulation. I believe that self-regulation s critical for molding students into successful adults. In the classroom, we can teach self-regulation in many different ways, but it is important to not forget about it. I think that a great way to use self-regulation would be for the students to monitor their own behavior. In the book, there is an example of how a teacher gave students a behavior scale and they had to rate themselves each day. If they matched the teacher’s rating of good behavior, they were rewarded. If I were to use this in my classroom, I would extend the rating by requiring the students to explain why they rated themselves in the manner that they did. This self-regulation would be motivation to do better and would teach self-reflection.
Handling a situation differently based on this learned information…
Based on what I have learned, I will definitely handle consequences better. In the past, I have given consequences (both reinforcers and punishers) with delay instead of immediacy. The text speaks on the importance of immediately giving consequences instead of delaying them because of value placed on the consequences. I think that this is most critical with the deliverance of punishers. Often times in my classroom students have to sit out of recess for five minutes for getting three strikes. I usually keep up with these strikes in my head, but I think it may be more effective to be punished immediately in some instances. For example, if a child has misused materials or not listened to instructions during center time, it would be more appropriate to take them out of centers and have them sit at their desks. Center time in my classroom is free play and free choice, so it is a difficult time to manage and I definitely need to be more consistent in both my schedule of reinforcement and punishments.
My learning confirmed my knowledge about teaching…
This week’s learning definitely confirmed to me that it is very important to get to know children. If we do not know our students and understand them, then it is nearly impossible to be able to correctly discipline them in an effective manner.


Slavin, R. E. (2012). Educational psychology: Theory and practice (10th ed.). Boston, M

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Reflective Journal 1

 This week's reading focused on cognitive development and its applications for education and literacy development. Two main theorists are discussed throughout the chapter- Jean Piaget and Lev Vygotsky. While they agree on many aspects of development, they have some key differences in thought. 

Jean Piaget was a Swiss developmental psychologist. In his studies of his own children, he noticed that they seemed to learn based on their “manipulation of and interaction with the environment,” (Slavin, 2012). His theory of cognitive development proposes that children learn and progress through four specific stages. Each stage is recognized by children’s new abilities, ways of figuring out problems, and thinking. Piaget’s thinking is centered around the concept of ‘schemes.’ A scheme is “[a] mental pattern that guide[s] behavior,” (Slavin, 2012). According to Piaget, schemes are the building blocks to all future learning. Throughout each stage, new schemas are built and old ones are added onto and can be changed with new understanding. Piaget’s stages of cognitive development are defined by age. From birth to two years, children are in the sensorimotor stage. In this stage, children develop from babies that have only reflexes to toddlers who use trial-and-error methods to get what they desire. The following stage is the preoperational stage and takes place from the age of two to seven years. The preoperational stage is characterized by a lack of understanding about conservation. Conservation is the concept that certain properties of objects remain the same regardless of changes in other properties (Slavin, 2012). Children’s thinking in this stage is very egocentric, and they therefore believe that everyone around them sees thing in the ways that they do. They cannot take the perspective of others. The third stage is named concrete operational, and children develop through this stages between the ages of seven and eleven. In this stage, children “can form concepts, see relationships, and solve problems, but only as long as they involve objects and situations that are familiar,” (Slavin, 2012). Children are beginning to become less egocentric, can think about objects abstractly, and are able to reverse their thinking. The final stage of cognitive development is the formal operational stage. According to Piaget, this stage takes place from the age of eleven and continues through adulthood. In this stage, children are able to think totally abstractly and are able to consider the hypothetical.
Today, many agree with Piaget’s theory that development takes place in stages, however, most do not think that these stages of development are locked by age. It is also widely viewed that children learn from experiences and these experiences “have a strong influence on development,” (Slavin, 2012), while Piaget mostly considered certain tasks in his studies.

Lev Vygotsky was a Russian psychologist who also studied cognitive development. Vygotsky’s theory of development does not focus on a distinct set of stages, rather, his theories focus on how children learn. Where “Piaget’s study suggests that development precedes learning…Vygotsky’s theory suggests that learning precedes development,” (Slavin, 2012). He believed that development occurs as a child develops self-regulation, or “the ability to think and solve problems without the help of others,” (Slavin, 2012). He taught that for children, learning takes place in the zone of proximal development. This is the area of learning where children are challenged, but are capable of being guided toward understanding. It is just above their current level of understanding. He also theorized that scaffolding was a way to teach in which a concept is introduced and highly supported, but after a while the learner is slowly given less and less support with their acquisition of more understanding. 
The theories of both Piaget and Vygotsky are critical for teachers to keep in mind. We must realize that students do have different understandings and abilities as they grow, but we also cannot forget that every child is different and learns in a different way and at a different pace. I personally agree more with Vygotsky’s views on cognitive development because of my experience with young learners. As a pre-k teacher, I teach the minds of four and five year olds every day. According to Piaget, all of these students should be in a preoperational stage and they should not be able to reason logically or reverse their thinking; however, I have found that some of my students are able to make logical decisions and justify them and a few are able to reverse their thinking. This shows that the age range of development does not matter quite as much as the experiences of the child. Some of my students have had little exposure to critical thinking and their logic skills are not developed. Those that have older siblings, previous exposure to school, and parents that actively promote their learning are able to reason and logically justify statements and decisions. Thi shows me that I cannot simply rely on an age range to know how to approach teaching- I have to know where each student falls developmentally and go from there.
I found the discussion posts from this week to be very interesting. I think that all of the teachers had a firm grasp of Piaget’s theory of cognitive development and I enjoyed learning about their perspectives on what it would be like to teach science to second graders versus eighth graders. In many of the posts, teachers refered to using the concrete with second graders and only exposing them to things that they were already familiar with. These ideas are supported by Piaget’s research on the concrete operational stage. In this stage it is most effective to teach from what students are familiar. Many used examples of teaching about plants or weather. This is because second grade students, seven and eight year olds, have experience with these science concepts. The approach that most took with teaching eighth graders was to have students use the scientific methods, consider possibilities, and form conclusions based on tests. This way of teaching requires a high level of reasoning and hypothetical thought. These ideas of appealing to the abstract thinking abilities of eighth graders are aligned with Piaget’s formal operational stage of development.

How is this concept significant concerning the context of your classroom?
In my classroom, I know that I teach students that are either four or five. The theories that I read about this week gave me a better understanding of what they are not only capable of but incapable of at their age. I will be able to approach my students from a developmentally appropriate stance knowing that they cannot think abstractly and that they need concrete experiences to learn.
What are the positive or negative aspects for this concept?
The positive aspect of theories of cognitive development is that they provide a baseline or rough guideline for which to approach teaching. Without knowing that the five year olds in my classroom are incapable of abstract thought, I might give them hypothetical situations that would only confuse them; however, knowing where to start and having some information for where they cognitively should be helps me to teach appropriately. It also helps me to know when a child is behind. For example, I had a student this past year who was nonverbal, even in what Vygotsky would call private speech. He also relied on pointing to objects as a way of communication. This showed me that he was cognitively far behind the other students in my classroom and I was able to refer him for observation by specialists in the school. Another positive aspect is that it promotes scaffolding and teaches about the zone of proximal development. I am a firm believer that learning happens when we are being challenged- but not when we have been challenged to the point of frustration. The zone of proximal development teaches students to reach for new and deeper understandings with the help of their teachers. It is supported by scaffolding which is taken away a little at the time as students develop richer understandings of what they have been learning about. These two concepts are essential in teaching all subjects, especially mathematics and literacy.
How might you handle a situation or activity differently based on this learned information?
Based on my reading and understanding, in the future I will always consider how my students learn best. Often times when giving instructions, I will give my students hypothetical situations of how things can go wrong. If I really want these consequences to stick, I am going to start giving them real examples, not just verbal ones.
How did this event change or confirm your knowledge or beliefs about teaching?
This reading confirmed my beliefs that all learners are different and that experiences and home-life truly do affect students’ learning. Certainly there are stages of growth that children have to go through and realizations that must make, but this does not happen t the same time or in the same way for every student. I have also been confirmed in my belief that the best way to teach students is to first give them a lot of support and to slowly let go and allow them to experience the learning for themselves. This is especially true for very young learners like the ones in my classroom. Each week we focus on one math concept and it is critical that I start out with heavy support showing them each counting bear, bean, cube, and numeral that we are working with, and discussing each move that I make. Gradually, I let them control more of the conversation and at the end of the week, I help them to do the concept themselves. This could take the form of counting to five or adding onto! I so enjoy seeing them make connection from the challenge when I present an attainable goal!


Slavin, R. E. (2012). Educational psychology: Theory and practice (10th ed.). Boston, MA: